04 February 2011

31 Day Photo Challenge // Day 31

Day 31 - A picture of yourself.

Thanks, it's been fun!

Now on to more Friday Fun...
Head on over to either Home Grown Families or Mama to 4 Blessings for the Friday Blog Hop!

Also, don't forget to visit Chantel over at Growing Up...Townsend Style! while you can & enter the giveaway for a FREE custom AIO!


Discovering the Me in Mommy said...

Thanks for following & entering my giveaway! =)

KC Baldwin said...

Thanks for your comment about the 30 Day Shred! My youngest is 3m, and it amazing to hear from another mama who is back in shape already because of the Shred. I hope I'm back to my pre-pg weight and retoned in a month and a half!

KC @ One + One = Four

DP said...

You look lovely!

I’m your newest follower from the blog hop. Hope you will check out my blog when you get a chance and follow me back.

Hip Chick's Guide to PMS, Pregnancy, and Babies