So much has been going on these past few months, where to begin?
We've moved....again. Same area and yes, for those of you keeping track, our 3rd house in just under 3 yrs. Only difference is that this one is actually OURS instead of just another rental! One more check off the ol' bucket list.

The monsters are growing like weeds, as usual. x1 finished up 1st grade & x2 is now 6 and will be headed into 1st grade this fall. x3 is kicking butt at potty learning/training lately and there are high hopes of her being completely diaper free (at least during the day) by the time her 3rd birthday rolls around!

As previously mentioned the monsters will begin their first year of homeschooling this coming August, so we've spent the summer dipping our toes into different curriculum, programs, and groups, both local and online, and I think we're finally starting to find a promising groove. Everyone is super excited about the new adventures that will start this fall and I'll try my best to keep up on here with some of our finds/experiments!

As always, any "must have" educational sites you've found for your own little monsters are more than welcome. I love checking out reader suggestions, you guys are great!
We've moved....again. Same area and yes, for those of you keeping track, our 3rd house in just under 3 yrs. Only difference is that this one is actually OURS instead of just another rental! One more check off the ol' bucket list.

The monsters are growing like weeds, as usual. x1 finished up 1st grade & x2 is now 6 and will be headed into 1st grade this fall. x3 is kicking butt at potty learning/training lately and there are high hopes of her being completely diaper free (at least during the day) by the time her 3rd birthday rolls around!

As previously mentioned the monsters will begin their first year of homeschooling this coming August, so we've spent the summer dipping our toes into different curriculum, programs, and groups, both local and online, and I think we're finally starting to find a promising groove. Everyone is super excited about the new adventures that will start this fall and I'll try my best to keep up on here with some of our finds/experiments!

As always, any "must have" educational sites you've found for your own little monsters are more than welcome. I love checking out reader suggestions, you guys are great!

Hope everyone is enjoying their summertime as much as we are! -Maddie-
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